Free State Pinball Association
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Hit the Mark Hit the Mark
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000,000.

Introduced 09/01/2012

Players With This Badge (15)

PlayerDate Earned
John C. Vigil02/05/2025
Matt Rinehart02/05/2025
Alan Allworth02/16/2022
Joel Maxfield11/08/2021
Brian Kapinos11/08/2021
Tim Murren03/09/2020
Manuel Hernandez02/23/2020
Rich Wickersham10/22/2019
Bob S. Johnson03/26/2019
Will Cromarty03/26/2019
Bob Racicot05/31/2018
Lindsey Most10/05/2017
Julie Schober02/03/2016
Rebecca Schleider10/09/2013
Joe Said11/19/2012