Free State Pinball Association
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FSPA: CarPool

Active from 09/18/2018 through 04/09/2019.

Played 2 seasons, 20 meets, 80 games.

Machine Summaries

Average Score
Highest Score
Lowest Score
Attack from Mars 1,327,558,880 4,684,246,850 308,601,490 6
Batman Dark Knight 5,918,820 6,688,740 5,291,100 3
Baywatch 201,506,070 368,861,480 84,602,510 9
Deadpool 26,465,760 58,751,320 4,570,100 3
Dialed In 75,960 143,250 19,910 3
Flash Gordon 315,050 1,208,450 98,090 10
Future Spa 170,130 344,660 47,120 3
Game of Thrones 78,296,300 243,992,520 12,072,030 5
GhostBusters 18,164,970 47,745,540 2,472,240 6
Hotdoggin 248,340 463,740 128,170 4
Iron Maiden 29,435,370 63,042,370 8,441,380 7
Monster Bash 13,797,200 51,922,320 1,774,940 6
Mousin' Around 1,122,350 2,133,670 111,030 2
Starship Troopers 40,747,470 69,755,100 8,706,880 5
The Sopranos 14,238,750 33,926,200 1,509,650 7

Head to Head Results

Win Percentage
Aaron Baum5362.50%
Alex Venezia101343.48%
Bob S. Johnson4266.67%
Brad Streeter3175.00%
Brian Smith1325.00%
Bridget Merz41225.00%
Christine Venezia6275.00%
CJ Brown1325.00%
Craig Dobson2250.00%
Danny Pijeira4450.00%
Frank Cueto040.00%
Jon Flanders3827.27%
Josh Jurgensen3537.50%
Lauren Fortner9756.25%
Lindsey Most3730.00%
Mario Adractas3537.50%
Matt Burke7558.33%
Mike Polisky1233.33%
Nick Vaka211067.74%
Randy Bisset3175.00%
Rudy Keiser1712.50%
Steve Ryback1614.29%
Victor Scelba1712.50%
Will Cromarty2250.00%

Badges Awarded (21)

Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 04/09/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 10)
Earned for winning a game with less than 20% of the league average score.

Earned 04/02/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 9)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 03/26/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 03/19/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 7)
Cherry Picker
Cherry Picker
Earned for dropping a group with the maximum points possible.

Earned 03/12/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 6)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 03/12/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 6)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 03/05/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 5)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 03/05/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 5)
Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 02/19/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 3)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 02/05/2019 (FSPA: CarPool Spring 2019 meet 1)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 11/20/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 10)
Did Your Time
Did Your Time
Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays.

Earned 11/20/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 10)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 11/20/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 10)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 11/20/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 10)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 11/13/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 9)
Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season.

Earned 11/06/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 8)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/23/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 6)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/16/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 5)
Earned for bouncing between two groups in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/09/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 09/25/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 2)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 09/18/2018 (FSPA: CarPool Fall 2018 meet 1)