(showing season stats - click for lifetime stats)
Greg Syquia | John Locke | Steve Jonke | |
AC/DC Premium |
Low: 11,808,910 |
Low: 12,310,040 |
Low: 30,522,260 |
Attack from Mars |
Low: 666,678,430 |
Low: 1,143,291,380 |
Low: 459,558,360 |
Bally's Strikes and Spares |
Low: 114,810 |
Low: 165,120 |
Low: 240,000 |
FunHouse |
Low: 3,312,690 |
Low: 2,575,420 |
Low: 2,679,390 |
The Shadow |
Low: 35,130,660 |
Low: 25,360,110 |
Low: 45,012,200 |
World Poker Tour |
Low: 4,158,920 |
Low: 5,804,710 |
Low: 19,811,660 |