Free State Pinball Association
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FSPA: Volleyball House

Active from 09/29/1999 through 08/09/2006.

Played 12 seasons, 119 meets, 476 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Bally Star Trek 51,770 128,030 21,640 5
Baywatch 329,738,150 856,440,000 134,478,000 52
Demolition Man 80,489,000 186,628,000 37,694,000 11
Doctor Who 15,037,670 25,360,000 6,263,000 3
Johnny Mnemonic 695,428,220 2,266,069,000 198,888,000 46
Joker Poker 116,970 232,590 72,420 4
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 380,453,000 766,778,000 195,173,000 11
Maverick the Movie 229,043,700 502,683,000 95,951,000 30
Meteor by Stern 145,700 371,080 34,230 19
Monster Bash 29,348,330 67,066,000 7,109,000 3
Mousin' Around 736,290 1,234,000 280,000 7
No G'd Gofers 4,910,380 11,958,000 1,305,000 16
Road Show 214,362,500 825,289,000 46,165,000 26
Scared Stiff 2,963,300 6,060,000 813,000 10
Seawitch 205,430 649,000 77,000 7
Strikes and Spares 108,920 219,500 67,570 10
The Addams Family 24,725,200 37,631,000 9,061,000 5
The Amazing Spider-Man 154,550 237,420 71,680 2
The Getaway:High Speed 2 25,502,860 42,002,000 13,609,000 7
The Lost World 2,046,350 4,510,000 507,000 26
The Shadow 103,457,070 326,274,000 18,680,000 68
The Simpsons Pinball Party 4,181,670 13,535,000 1,114,000 6
Whirlwind 2,452,060 11,577,000 655,000 16
World Cup Soccer 1994 359,649,130 1,341,481,000 94,347,000 78

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adam Ruben133527.08%
Bernie Kelm3537.50%
Briana Gestiehr12860.00%
Bruce Voge III2250.00%
Bryan Dillon225030.56%
Chris Berkhardt323250.00%
Craig Newell101540.00%
Dan Northover113722.92%
Dave Bailey202445.45%
Dave Goode3925.00%
Dave Hubbard040.00%
Deb Kapke647147.41%
Ellen Surles4833.33%
Emilene Drager131154.17%
Fred Cascio2250.00%
Gary Sebroski7558.33%
Gray Williams141745.16%
Heather Jacoby15962.50%
Heidi Austad13765.00%
Jeannine Prothero19482.61%
Jesse Roberts3827.27%
Julie Schober62221.43%
Ken Gestiehr8850.00%
Kevin Gaspin61825.00%
Matt Gaspin141058.33%
Michelle Stewart (Leon)412958.57%
Mike Brown222250.00%
Mike Long21412.50%
Mike Pritchard2250.00%
Noah Gestiehr141058.33%
Rich Achterberg51131.25%
Sara Larson Stuart122830.00%
Scott Hill1118.33%
Scott Sidley72422.58%
Sergio Johnson61430.00%
Shelli Leon291074.36%
Steve Kelm040.00%
Sue Brooks13381.25%
Wendy Dillion1014668.71%