Free State Pinball Association
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FSPA: Silverball Sanctum

Active from 02/01/2023 through 03/05/2025.

Played 7 seasons, 56 meets, 224 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack From Mars Remake 932,576,280 2,064,932,740 232,159,690 28
Avengers Infinity Quest 19,634,130 41,467,550 7,173,180 6
Cactus Canyon Remake LE 9,900,600 36,698,160 1,371,850 22
Capt. Fantastic 29,630 72,790 9,360 17
Demolition Man 104,906,460 210,486,560 49,318,840 3
Eightball Deluxe 235,810 531,590 64,500 22
Funhouse 2,262,030 3,940,950 1,127,930 4
Guardians of the Galaxy Pro 10,501,970 51,157,110 3,393,400 10
Jaws (Pro) 51,954,570 155,821,980 14,535,620 16
Led Zeppelin (Premium) 5,782,400 9,974,360 3,013,950 5
Monster Bash Remake 16,233,610 52,955,200 1,936,500 21
NBA Fastbreak 44 98 13 20
Rush (PRO) 9,362,710 13,535,630 4,727,200 3
The Mandalorian 25,531,570 184,576,520 1,783,050 23
Theater of Magic 206,090,000 572,558,260 38,350,090 14
World Cup Soccer 254,186,320 660,515,270 94,931,670 10

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adam Atkins3537.50%
Alan Sullivan224234.38%
Annie Weed7558.33%
Audrey Bonsignore2250.00%
Benjamin Carter4450.00%
Carter Ault8466.67%
Chris Weed3175.00%
Dan Miller81240.00%
Duston Allen171553.13%
Edan Grossman0160.00%
Garrett Vigil1325.00%
Grace Vigil443257.89%
Holly Houser3175.00%
Jean Ault152141.67%
Joel Shprentz314043.66%
John C. Vigil41620.00%
Johnny Vigil102627.78%
Mark Hopkins81633.33%
Matt Rinehart3925.00%
Michael Albrecht040.00%
Micheal Tiea21016.67%
Nate Soellner3175.00%
Nathan Vigil112134.38%
Phil Perfetti040.00%
Terry Thiele1325.00%
Tim Doherty122037.50%
Victor Scelba1712.50%

Badges Awarded (26)

Triple Jackpot new badge
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 03/05/2025 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2025 meet 5)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 11/20/2024 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Fall 2024 meet 10)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 08/21/2024 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Summer 2024 meet 10)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 07/31/2024 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Summer 2024 meet 7)
Middle of the Road
Middle of the Road
Earned for scoring 2+2+2+2+2 points in a meet.

Earned 07/10/2024 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Summer 2024 meet 4)
Earned for having a tied machine score.

Earned 06/19/2024 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Summer 2024 meet 2)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 06/19/2024 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Summer 2024 meet 2)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 06/04/2024 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Summer 2024 meet 1)
Did Your Time
Did Your Time
Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays.

Earned 11/15/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Fall 2023 meet 10)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 11/15/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Fall 2023 meet 10)
Covering the Bases
Covering the Bases
Earned for scoring 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 points in a meet.

Earned 11/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Fall 2023 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 08/02/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Summer 2023 meet 10)
Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season.

Earned 08/02/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Summer 2023 meet 10)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 04/12/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 10)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 03/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores.

Earned 02/15/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 3)
The Answer
The Answer
Earned for scoring 4+2+4+2 points in a meet.

Earned 02/15/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 3)
Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 02/15/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 3)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 02/15/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 3)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 02/08/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 2)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 02/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 1)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 02/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 1)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 02/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 1)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 02/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 1)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 02/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 02/01/2023 (FSPA: Silverball Sanctum Spring 2023 meet 1)