Free State Pinball Association
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FSPA: Mustang Sally

Active from 01/31/2023 through 07/23/2024.

Played 4 seasons, 31 meets, 124 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Avatar 11,167,400 16,261,520 6,073,270 2
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Pro) 19,296,000 34,575,650 8,767,450 3
Batman 66 (Premium) 31,873,400 45,194,740 18,552,060 2
Cactus Canyon Remake 11,112,350 15,998,080 7,978,670 5
Dirty Harry 199,012,230 199,012,230 199,012,230 1
Embryon 429,890 780,290 79,480 2
Foo Fighters (Pro) 39,816,530 65,446,480 14,503,140 6
Game of Thrones (Pro) 41,355,760 103,779,440 7,304,630 5
Ghostbusters (Pro) 69,619,310 127,369,800 11,868,810 2
Godzilla (Stern) 54,905,690 197,104,280 8,418,650 6
Guardians of the Galaxy 33,773,080 65,399,270 4,171,140 5
Indiana Jones (Stern) 29,965,650 37,958,660 21,567,530 4
Iron Man 4,155,000 4,155,000 4,155,000 1
Jack-Bot 469,681,210 826,833,130 219,742,660 5
Jaws (Pro) 56,611,750 65,468,360 50,319,540 4
John Wick (Pro) 30,808,670 43,244,000 18,373,340 2
Legends of Valhalla 6,331,680 7,212,190 5,231,130 4
Mandalorian (Pro) 76,815,510 159,518,650 9,873,610 8
Metallica (Pro) 7,630,260 18,910,400 3,390,390 4
Road Show 173,849,620 173,849,620 173,849,620 1
Skateball 218,780 546,680 76,520 14
Spider-man (Stern) 39,488,470 60,345,310 8,590,120 4
Stargate 329,541,350 541,700,920 117,381,780 2
Stranger Things (Pro) 110,779,370 261,384,680 45,412,280 4
Swords of Fury 411,450 661,000 139,320 3
The Addams Family 37,716,540 113,319,430 4,610,290 7
Tron 4,509,210 8,021,350 1,192,760 4
Venom (Pro) 65,900,720 65,900,720 65,900,720 1
White Water 40,602,000 135,148,640 4,031,000 6
Who Dunnit 424,180,080 424,180,080 424,180,080 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adam Irvine7187.50%
Alex Venezia3537.50%
Baron Maddock81338.10%
Bill Ransom40100.00%
Brandon Hetu80100.00%
Chad Wells4833.33%
David Craun1325.00%
Diego Quiros2250.00%
Duston Allen3537.50%
Edan Grossman1325.00%
Ethan O'Toole3175.00%
Geoff Wright6275.00%
Haley Sturgill6275.00%
James Melsop10283.33%
Kyle Maddock7558.33%
Kyle Roan71236.84%
Lauren Sartori3175.00%
Mark Hopkins6275.00%
Michael Swim2250.00%
Paul McGlone040.00%
Preston Fitzgerald1325.00%
Rachel Alber7943.75%
Rich Wickersham81240.00%
Robert Dempsey7653.85%
Roy Mackert3175.00%
Steve Cribby6746.15%
Vince Hughes2250.00%
William Von Canon3175.00%

Badges Awarded (17)

Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 07/16/2024 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Summer 2024 meet 6)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 06/04/2024 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Summer 2024 meet 1)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 07/25/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Summer 2023 meet 8)
Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Earned 06/20/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Summer 2023 meet 4)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 04/11/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 10)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 04/11/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 10)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 04/11/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 10)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 03/28/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 8)
Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores.

Earned 02/21/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 3)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 02/21/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 3)
Earned for getting 4 match bonus points in a meet.

Earned 02/21/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 3)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 02/21/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 3)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 02/21/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 3)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 02/07/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 2)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 02/07/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 2)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 02/07/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 2)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 01/31/2023 (FSPA: Mustang Sally Spring 2023 meet 1)